How Far Along: 29 Weeks
Size of Baby: Baby Chon is the size of a SQUASH
Other things baby is up to: Baby's energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. Baby is also setting into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you've also probably noticed -- they don't necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 20 pounds, with 11 more weeks to go at about 1 pound a week, I hope I only gain 30 pounds this whole pregnancy which would be AWESOME! I'm not really tracking weight but it seems that for now I can eat what I want and I'm not gaining as much weight as I would not being pregnant, so I'm taking full advantage! For example, this morning's breakfast consisted of rice and soup and then a piece of tres leches cake, definitely not holding back.
Movement: Not so much movement this week, just the occasional toss and turn here and there, no hard jabs to the rib which I'm thankful for but I'd like to feel some more kicks.
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty great still, nothing to complain about!
Symptoms: Does feeling fat count? I'm feeling like a huge tub of lard right now and just not happy with how anything fits me. I've tried on dress after dress and they all either don't fit or make me feel like I'm wearing a tent.. I think I had my first pregnancy breakdown.
Belly Button: I'm still an inny, but a shallow one at best. I'm sure this thing will either get shallower or pop any week now.
Milestones: I passed the glucose test which is a great milestone since I thought I was in trouble with all the sweets and junk I've been eating throughout this pregnancy!
Looking forward to: This weekend is Easter which is a grand celebration for us since this is the basis of our religion and beliefs. I'm also looking forward to our next U/S where we get to see you, in just one more week!
Next appointment: April 28, 2011 - We won't have a real appointment, just a 30 week growth ultrasound to make sure that you are growing at the rate you should and to see how you're doing.
Other: Dad finally said yes to getting me an embroidery machine so I finally have it getting shipped to me and I should have it by tomorrow! I cannot wait to make some really cute stuff for you -=) I'm so excited to get started on embroidering and making new things custom made just for you. Grandma also helped me pick out glider fabric and fabric for your curtains so everything will most likely be done within the next couple weeks and I'll finally be able to sit in your room on the glider and relax when I want to.
wow, only 11 more weeks! time flies! exciting!