Got back from my 38 week appointment, was kind of excited for it since it was my first internal and I wanted to see what was happening inside of my body.
Got my weight checked, blood pressure, talked to the nurse if there is any way to go through lightening since it doesn't seem like Baby Chon has moved down at all, and then waited for the doctor to come in.
Once the doctor came in, we checked the heart beat and then went into the cervical check. Well as my Dr was checking, she goes "oh wow, omg" and I'm thinking uh oh what is going on and she says that I am 3-4 cm dilated and that my water is bulging and ready to pop. She then said that she didn't know what to do with me and that she was going to call Dr. Goldin who is on call at the hospital to see if I should go to the hospital right away or what we should do. After she talked to Dr. Goldin, she came back and told me to hang out, relax, and wait for my water to break and once it does to call in. She then said that if that happens to go to the hospital or if my contractions get to be 5 minutes apart. I've been seeing my Dr. every week since 37 weeks and she said that we can set an appointment for next week but she highly doubts that I'll be seeing her for my next appointment and will be highly shocked if I do keep it.
Basically, Baby Chon is coming pretty soon.. we don't know how soon but soon enough. I'm finally slowly getting ready for this.
whoa! wow! scary! exciting! adjectives, adjectives, adjectives, lol!! cant wait to see her first photo! prayers for a safe delivery!