
Monday, June 6, 2011

ready.. set... GO!

I'm finally updating. I don't know what I've been doing for the past few weeks that I haven't updated but I guess there just wasn't a lot going on. For the past week though, Eugene and I have been in nesting mode, really more me and him doing everything because I'm asking (ordering) him to do them. Here is a picture update of what's been going on.

On Saturday, 6/4, Eugene and I went to BuyBuyBaby and used our 20% off our entire order coupon to buy the rest of Baby Chon's things. We bought her bath tub, shampoo, lotions, diaper rash creams, baby bottle cleaner, toys, and just about everything you can imagine. Mind you, we don't need half the things until she's at least 6+ months but knowing me and how much I like to stock up, I just had to get everything I knew I would use. 

After we got home, I just had to organize and get things ready so we cleaned the house, set up her pack n play, brought her swing downstairs from her room, and moved the bassinet into our room so the dogs would get used to something else being in the room with them. 

Here's her pack n play, Graco Dempsey, and her swing - all ready for her to use.

Here is her bassinet in our room, all we need is Little Miss to fill her clothes.

This is my glider that is finally finished. I wasn't able to post a picture of it before so I'm finally updating. My mom took the original covers of the glider and sewed new covers for so that the glider accents the room perfectly. I <3 my glider print, my mom did a fantastic job and it works in the room so well!

We're just on a roll with getting things ready for Baby Chon's arrival. We finally got her infant car seat from my nanny family (they donated theirs to us) and it is now installed in my car and the seat is ready to go!

All these things we've done for Baby Chon are just making it more real that she will be here in a mere 4.5 weeks (tentatively of course). Can't wait for all these things to be used and filled with love. 

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