
Friday, March 11, 2011

happy 23 weeks old

How Far Along: 23 Weeks

Size of Baby: Baby is still the size of a papaya - 10.5 - 11.8 inches and 12.7-20.8 ounces

Other things baby is up to: Baby's little face is fully formed... minus the baby fat, of course. The next task at hand for baby: sprouting two teeny-tiny nipples!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am now at +17 for the whole pregnancy. I've gained about 5 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I'm really hoping that I only gain about 25 pounds in this whole pregnancy but we'll see how that one works out.

Movement: Baby doesn't move around too much but s/he has been moving around a lot more for me lately.

Sleep: I've been getting very good sleep for the past week except last night when I woke up to go pee and couldn't go back to sleep for 30-60 minuets. I was really tempted to wake up Eugene and ask him to keep me company but I decided to be nice.

Symptoms: I'm feeling pretty great and don't have any symptoms so far, except waddling... is that a symptom? haha

Maternity Clothes: I do have maternity clothes but I haven't had to bust them out so far. I did wear one cute maternity top the other day and my nanny kids' father complimented me on it. It's always nice to get a compliment from a man, isn't it? haha

Belly Button: Eugene says my belly button looks wide (you can see how big my belly button is when I'm wearing a tight shirt) but either way it's still an inny.

Milestones: Does hitting 23 weeks count? I told Eugene that I think I'm ready for baby to make his/her appearance now since I'm tired of waddling everywhere.

Looking forward to: Next week there are TONS of things happening: I have a vet appointment for the fur babes to have their heart worm test done on Tuesday, my doctors appointment on Wednesday, and we'll be receiving our keys to the townhouse sometime next week as well. Plus we're moving in to our new place on Saturday!

Next appointment: March 16 2011

Other: I'm so excited to move and set up the nursery! I've been waiting for this move for about the past 6 months now, I know I'm insane. I just can't wait to finally be in a place that we can call more permanent since we knew this apartment wasn't that for us.


  1. Happy 23 Weeks Lois & Baby!!!
    I think you look just wonderful and are glowing in your photos. I wish I had that pregnancy glow myself, lol!
    I know how you feel about the weight gaining. I put on 6 lbs between doctors visits and was worried, but my doc said that was normal. Sometimes you'll grow a lot and other weeks you'll stabilize. So don't you worry little missy!! Baby Chon is just growing - and that is a blessing!
    I love reading your blog and thank you so much for the book reference. David and I are going to go read that at the store today!

  2. YAY!!! It finally worked to post a comment but took my 3 tries....hahah!
